
*Soft tissue work (foam roller, PVC pipe, lacrosse ball, "The Stick")
DeFranco's Limber 11 Routine
*Dynamic warm-up:
1. 20 yard striders followed by 5x neck rolls R&L
2. 20 yard striders followed by 5x arm circles F&B
3. High knees for 10 yards-10 yard jog, 5x trunk rolls R&L
4. Butt kicks for 10 yards-10 yard jog, 5x trunk twist R&L
5. 20 yards carioca, 5x pulling knees to chest R&L
6. 20 yards carioca, 5x explosive knees R&L
7. 2x 20 yard dead-legs
8. 2x 20 yard fast cycle
9. 2x 10 wall runs single leg fires
10. 2x 4 wall runs triples
11. 2x 20 yard ankling
*Range of motion/form work for primary focus of the day
*Post Work-Out Stretch

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Olympic/Work Capacity

3x3 hang snatch
3x3 snatch grip high pull (pull weight to your face)
heavy log clean single

10 rounds of 20 yard prowler pushes, rest 30 seconds between efforts

guns series- day 14
DB hammer curls
set 1: warm-up
set 2: 6x weight that you could do for a set of 10
sets 3-6: 3x strict reps hold top, slow eccentric
sets 7-9: 3x loose reps-slight cheat, 10-20% heavier than previous sets
set 10: use 50% of strict weight for as many reps as possible

work the stack tricep rope extensions-work till you can't hit 10, then work back down to below where you started

ab wheel/rock 360- around 40 reps

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